Henry Stewart DAM LA: Great Expectations

Los Angeles skyline

Henry Stewart DAM Los Angeles edition is scheduled for March 13-14. I have attended the Henry Stewart DAM events for many years, and they are truly the best gatherings for the DAM community. It is a growing community, and I am very encouraged to see many new faces at these events.

DAM technology is more pervasive and integrated into the core framework of tech stacks throughout modern organizations. It has far surpassed DAM 1.0, where we were happy to simply have a repository to store assets. Now, many organizations face issues not related to features and functionality but to strategic and organizational concerns that established DAM environments face. Let me just mention some that are top of mind.

Many of the first DAM 1.0 deployments were highly customized to meet the requirements of how the organization and users wanted to work. Often, these customizations became standard features for the product. Now, many DAMs are multi-tenant SaaS, which limits the ability to accommodate customized solutions to fit the unique needs of the company’s users.

SaaS simplifies the technical management of software and infrastructure, resulting in faster deployments and, in many cases, improved adoption of DAM. But what about DAM governance? DAM administrators, executive champions, and DAM vendors come and go, so how can you ensure these won’t impact the sustainability of the DAM system? Governance establishes clear policies and procedures for asset usage, metadata standards, access controls, and workflows. As your DAM evolves, effective governance and documentation provide all users with a clear path to success.

As the DAM community evolves, we all need to be more proactive and work to establish better sustainability by adopting a long-term view.  For many years, Henry Stewart DAM events have helped build and support a strong and dynamic forum for those of us who want to see DAM thrive and succeed. A big shout-out to all the Henry Stewart DAM staff for their continued support of the DAM community. See you in Hollywood!

About the Author

John Price

John Price is a marketing professional with more than 20 years of experience. He is passionate about the practical application of technology and understands the value of content and its prime directive to help organizations move the needle.

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